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Sowing Your the Winter?

As Gardeners we have a long down time during the winter... staring out the window, looking at the blanket of snow over our garden, and waiting for spring so we can plant seeds indoors in plant trays.

The wait seems endless.

Well.... here is a little project that will take away the winter blues for a day or two.

Winter sowing! Once the native seeds we ordered have arrived, we can sow them right away.

What we need:

  1. A few plastic containers (re-using!) that are mostly clear enough to let the sun through. Plastic jugs, pop, or water bottles that the tops can be cut off and then taped back on or, in my case, old food containers that I want to repurpose.

  2. Potting soil, as it has the fertilizers in it to promote growth.

  3. The native seeds you purchased this Fall (or ones you already have!)

Now what?

Luckily, the process for sowing seeds is very simple!

  1. Drill or poke holes in the container, a couple on the bottom for drainage and a couple on the lid to allow moisture in.

  2. Add a couple of inches of potting soil and then drop the seeds in. Covering them per the instructions on the seed package.

  3. Then, if using many containers, label them so you know what they are when you replant them and duct tape the lid back on (to prevent squirrels from feasting).

  4. Bring your seed-sown containers outside, somewhere where the containers will have sun exposure.

It doesn't matter if snow piles on top. These seeds are hardy and will do well. Ready in the spring for you to place them where you want.

If you undertake this project this Holiday season, let us know! Send us pictures of your process and your completed containers. Then, in the Spring, you can send us your successfully sown seeds!


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1 Comment

MaryAnn Hodge
MaryAnn Hodge
Jan 03, 2022

I am excited to try this version of winter sowing this year. I have read though to tape the top back to the bottom of the jug, but to keep the actual jug lid off to allow snow/rain to enter. Also, to not put it in direct sunlight so that it does not overhead - esp in the Spring when the seedlings might be fragile. Your thoughts on this?

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